I have written this post and deleted it so many times - I forgot my original train of thought - however before I get side tracked - I wanted to announce my BIG rug finish. My scarecrow is finished. My trouble with getting this post done previously was when I downloaded my photos and then tried to add my notes to each photo - I was unable to do so - so an apology now in case my photos are just all in a row with no remarks on each as is my particular preference when posting.
The other big finish I had the end of July was the Camp Loopy 2 project for July. And So Are You a beautiful green shawlette using Swan Lake 100% organic merino fingering yarn. It was fun to knit and I finished just under the wire on 7/30
I am already embroiled in my final camp project for this year. Greta a vest - the challenge for August was to use any yarn any pattern but it had to be 800 yards or more - whew ! what a challenge for me to do an 800+ yard project in a month but I'm giving my all. I am using a new to me yarn - Lornas Laces Haymarket which is a lovely 100% Blue Faced Leiceister yarn in a very dark navy,hunter green with tinges of deep burgandy/purple.
I also wanted to give a plug for my EGA chapter's blog - http://duclayega.blogspot.com/ Please pop by and take a look at our lovely exhibit that is mounted now at the Orange Park library. Member and friend Jackie did a great blog post on the exhibit and she also documented our recent "taste of " workshop which focused on wool applique. I finished my project in this mini workshop and I will show a photo of that also.
Wish me luck on getting this thing posted - I would love to hear if any of you have had similiar issues with posting and can tell me how you resolved things. Thanks as always for dropping by my blog and for leaving your comments.
WOW - looks like I am actually successful this time in posting and going back and editing and commenting on my photos - YIPPEE !!!!!!!!!! - so a word about my scarecrow - he has been a WIP and sometimes a UFO since 2007 - Now wait - I have to mention that with seasonal designs like this scarecrow - most years - he was only worked on for a month or two during the fall/pumpkin season and he was always taking a back seat to my beloved Merrie Halloween. Once Merrie was finished - I started bringing him out more often.
This rug is a commerical canvas by Bev Conway - 90% of the wool was dyed by Bev. purchased during a weekend color workshop she did in St Augustine FL in 2007. The brown in the fence is from my stash but I'm pretty positive it was dyed by Diane Stoffel.
I really really love how this rug came out - now the actual binding of the edges needs to occur. That is definitely NOT the fun part. I'm just happy to have a rug finish - YIPPEE!!!!!!!! This is a fairly large rug - probably 30 x 24 and is hooked primarly in a 6 cut for any interested rug hookers out there.
Here is my Camp Loopy 2 finish - I loved working with the Swan Lake merino fingering. They use all natural dyes which is interesting and gives the yarn a subtle coloring. this was a well written fun and easy but interesting pattern. I would definitely make this one again.